Small Town

The Best Place For All Things Roofing

Welcome to Small Town Roofer

The podcast that nails down the heart of craftsmanship, one shingle at a time. Join your host, Scott Tebay, a seasoned roofer with callouses to show and stories to share, as he takes you on a journey through the highs and lows of roofing in a small town

Small Town Roofer is about more than just the shingles and the pitch—it’s about the people, the pride, and the passion that go into every roof. Scott’s hands-on experience and down-to-earth approach shed light on the intricacies of the trade, the importance of local business, and the tight-knit bonds formed high above the ground.

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Small Town Roofer

Explore A Podcast All About Roofing.

Whether you’re a professional roofer, a DIY enthusiast, or just someone who appreciates a job well done, this podcast is your blueprint for all things roofing.

We’ll discuss materials, techniques, and innovations, but also the stories that unfold beyond the eaves. Get ready to hammer in the knowledge, pull up a chair, and relax under the sturdy roof of community and camaraderie with Small Town Roofer.

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